Lens comparison

Domiplan 2.8/55mm
domiplan_55mm_2.8_125.jpg domiplan_55mm_16_8.jpg
Exakta Macro zoom 4/28-70mm
exacta_zoom_50mm_4_60.jpg exacta_zoom_50mm_16_8.jpg
Fujinon EBC 1.8/55mm
fujinon_55mm_1.8_125.jpg fujinon_55mm_2.8_125.jpg fujinon_55mm_16_4.jpg
Auto Revuenon 1.8/50mm
revuenon_50mm_1.8_125.jpg revuenon_50mm_2.8_125.jpg revuenon_50mm_16_8.jpg

The lenses were compared using a Fujica st805 camera and a noname 100 ASA film. The photos were scanned in at the same time with the same scanner setting on a proper film scanner. However, some were underexposed: I have not selected the optimal lighting conditions for the comparison series and was limited by the resulution of available times. I have lightened up some of the photograps using the histogram in gimp.

Caveats: (i) I did not properly control the exposure conditions (ii) the negative was scratched in the lab, and you can see traces on some of the photographs (iii) these were the first film scans I did myself. This is why I did not pay attention to dirt on negatives.

Here are the links to the original pictures. Name: orig-lens_focallength_aperture_time.jpg

Contact: january.weiner@gmail.com