To Our Gentle Readers:
Within this electronic transfer medium you will discover a universe of adventure, delight and astonishment. All who venture herein shall be transported beyond these sad, tawdry, mortal realms and into a world of wonders. Rejoice! Rejoice! Thou art saved from the mundane.
So stick the %^&* CD in your computer! We don't do these things for our health!
And make many many copies and give them away to your friends. We don't mind. Really. We think of it as multi-level marketing with reader crack.
Repeat after me:
You willlll copy this CD and give it away... You willlll copy this CD and give it away... You willlll copy this CD and give it away...
Ohm... addict people to Ringo/Taylor books... Ohm... addict people to Ringo/Taylor books... Ohm... addict people to Ringo/Taylor books...
You may now have your mind back. But if you don't follow our instructions, the puppy gets it.

And we'll know. Oh, yes, we'll know...
John Ringo
Travis Taylor