Aight. Obudziłem się właśnie i pierwszą rzeczą o której pomyślałem była piosenka 'jesteś nadzieją na przyszły rok..." :P a więc za wczasu, póki pamiętam, skompilujmy: 1. sentence in OE. -transcribe, mark stresses -find: subject, predicate, direct object, indirect object, cognate object, adverbial of time/space etc. -divide into morphemes, mark case, number, person, tense -Find: verb, noun, determiner, adverb, etc. -is the werb strong or weak? why? -is the adverb strong or weak? Why? -translate the sentence 2. Orm and teh Ormulum -four words, youse gotsa transcribe the vowels and in the box to the right mark diachronic processes. 3. Whut be teh difference in development of bacan bake and cna:wan know. Why do 'bake' has 'ei' in modern english and 'know' is spoken with '(schwa)u'/'ou' in AmE? mark relevant siachronic processes. 4. Recognize a dialect on the basis of one sentence. mark two clues that led you to thinking what it is. 5. Shakespeare vs Chaucer: ya gets loadsa words, ye hafta transcribe the vowels the way Chaucer wroht em, and the way Shakespeare wroht em, and be happy. 6. stress assignment to a line by El Chaucerro 7. Marketh ye vowelles in wordes thou hath seean in le excercise previouse. i don't remember the order of excercissorz after this one. sorry lads. i be shootin now. 8? give me germanic languages 9. give me indo european languages 10. which of the languages has a rhotic r and which hasn't. 11. Which sound/sound cluster is english native, which isn't 12. where do the borrowings come from? Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Latin, German, French... 13. you gets loadsa words in MoE, and their transcription in OE, and youse hafta decide from what dialect did the word originate 14. thief-thieves. Why thar be teh difference. 15. who lived in which century. 16. the dates. What happened when. Hastings, printing press, hiroshima, and so on. Other groups please type in the variations you had. Fix the order of the excercises i wrote, and correct me if i skipped some. i shall go to sleep now. (by Misza/forum IA)