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Jao terms
- ata:
- Suffix indicating a group formed for instructional purposes.
- az:
- Jao measurement, slightly longer than a yard.
- azet:
- Jao measurement, about three fourths of a mile.
- bau:
- A short carved baton, usually but not always made of wood, issued by a kochan to those of its members it considers fit for high command. The bau serves as an emblem of military achievement, with carvings added to match the bau-holder's accomplishments.
- bauta:
- An individual who has retired from service honorably and has chosen to relinquish his automatic kochan ties.
- bodyspeech:
- Postures, used to communicate emotions.
- bodystyle:
- Individual kochan's style in bodyspeech.
- dehabia:
- Traditional soft, thick blankets used for lounging.
- dry-foot:
- Dry-footed, as in incapable of swimming; insult.
- early-light:
- The period between dawn and early morning.
- emerged:
- Officially released from one's childhood (as in natal pool).
- first-mate:
- First sexual partner in one's marriage group.
- first-light:
- Dawn.
- formal movement:
- Codified postures, taught to young Jao.
- fraghta:
- An older and experienced batman/valet/advisor/bodyguard assigned to young Jao of high kochan status.
- framepoint:
- A stargate, the means for interstellar transit.
- hai tau:
- Life-in-motion.
- heartward:
- Right.
- jinau:
- Sepoy troops recruited from conquered species.
- jints:
- Huge, lumbering land animals native to Mannat Kar, one of the Krant homeworlds, notable for their awkwardness.
- kochan:
- Jao clan. The term is used also to refer to "root clans" or "great kochan."
- kochanata:
- Instructional group taught in the kochan.
- kochanau:
- The leader of the clan, at any given time, chosen by the elders. The office is neither hereditary nor permanent, although some kochanau retain it for long periods of time.
- kroudh:
- Outlawed, officially severed from one's clan.
- last-sun:
- Yesterday.
- late-dark:
- Midnight or after.
- late-light:
- Afternoon.
- lurret:
- A large herbivore found on Hadiru, a Dano world. Specifically, an old rogue male, notorious for its belligerence and unstable temperament.
- mank:
- Sea creature that inhabits Mannat Kar, about the size of a manatee, very strong swimmer, not aggressive.
- medician:
- Combination of doctor and medical technician.
- mirrat:
- Small finned swimmers on Jithra's homeworld.
- namth camiti:
- To be of highest ranking in an emergent generation, sometimes referred as "of the clearest water." Loosely equivalent, in human terms, to graduating first in the class from a military academy.
- natal compound:
- Where one was born.
- Naukra:
- Assembly of all the kochan called to deal with a specific issue.
- next-sun:
- Tomorrow.
- ollnat:
- Conceiving of things-that-never-were, or what-might-be, lies, imagination, creativity, etc. It is a quality mostly lacking in Jao, except in a frivolous manner.
- oudh:
- In charge, having official authority in a situation.
- pool-sib:
- Children born during the same season of mating so that they are raised together: they may or may not be born of the same parents; the relationship is equally close, either way.
- sant jin:
- A formal question requiring a formal answer.
- smoothface:
- An insult, implying no incised bars of rank or experience; roughly equivalent to such humans expressions as "wet behind the ears" or "greenhorn."
- stub-ears:
- An insult.
- tak:
- Woody substance burned for its aromatic scent.
- taif:
- A kochan-in-formation, affiliated to and under the protection and guidance of a kochan.
- timeblind:
- Having no innate sense of time as the Jao do.
- timesense:
- Innate ability to judge the passage of time and sense when something will happen.
- vai camiti:
- The characteristic facial pattern by which one may often recognize a Jao's kochan; faint vai camiti are considered undesirable, a mark of homeliness.
- vaim:
- Traditional Jao greeting between two who are approximately equal in status. Can also be used as a compliment by a higher status Jao to a lower. The literal translation is "We see each other."
- vaish:
- Traditional Jao greeting of inferior to superior. The literal translation is "I see you."
- vaist:
- Traditional Jao greeting of superior to inferior. The literal translation is "You see me."
- vithrik:
- Duty, what one owes to others, the necessity of making one's self of use.
- what-is:
- Reality.
- what-might-be:
- Something imagined.
- windward:
- Left.
- wrem-fa:
- A technique of instruction through body-learning in which nothing is explained, laid down in the brain too deep for conscious understanding. Also, in a broader sense, used to refer to life experience.
- Lleix terms
- Boh:
- Ancient guardian spirits, left behind during the exodus.
- Children's Court:
- Home for youth before they are released for the Festival of Choosing that takes place in their fifteenth year; if they are not chosen, they must live thereafter in the dochaya.
- dochaya:
- Unskilled laborers' living area at the far edge of the city, a slum.
- elian:
- Social and occupational grouping; similar to a human caste, except members are selected, not born into it.
- Han:
- Meeting of all the most senior elders of the elian.
- Last-of-Days:
- Long foretold time when the Ekhat will finally exterminate the Lleix.
- newest:
- Term of low age-rank.
- oyas-to:
- Shunning, not-seeing, disciplinary mode for being disharmonious and flaunting social order.
- sensho:
- The correct manner of behavior which includes order in the Han and elian according to age-rank.
- shortest:
- Term of low age-rank.
- unassigned:
- Those without an elian who must live in the dochaya.
- vahl:
- Black cosmetic stick with which to emphasize the upswept lines of the eye.
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