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Cast of Characters
- Rafe (Raphael) Aguilera:
- Former tank commander, Third Construction Supervisor for the Lexington
- Andrew Allport:
- jinau sergeant in Baker Company
- Dr. Eleanor Ames:
- chief Jao physician (medician) on the Lexington
- Michael Bast:
- doctor on the Lexington
- John Bringmann:
- jinau in Baker Company
- Melonie Brown:
- Bridge Engineering Officer on the Lexington
- Nancy Burgeson:
- jinau in Baker Company
- David Church:
- Tully's batman, half Cherokee, from Oklahoma
- Scott Cupp:
- jinau in Baker Company, private
- Kristal Dalgetty:
- jinau in Baker Company, pilot
- Charles Duquette:
- Lead-Pilot on the Lexington
- Debra Fligor:
- jinau in Baker Company, sergeant
- Dennis Greer:
- jinau in Baker Company, corporal
- Thomas Kelly:
- jinau in Baker Company, corporal
- Dr. Jonathan Kinsey:
- Professor of History, specialist on the Jao
- Caitlin Alana Stockwell Kralik:
- daughter of the President of the Jao's native government of North America, a member of Aille's service, Ed's wife
- Ed Kralik:
- Jinau commander of Earth forces, Major General, Caitlin's husband
- Samuel Lim:
- jinau in Baker Company
- Caewithe Miller:
- Lieutenant from Atlanta, jinau in Baker Company
- Wallace Murphy:
- jinau in Baker Company
- Willa Sawyer:
- head of Human Resistance in Rocky Mountains camp
- Benjamin Wilson Stockwell:
- President of North America, Caitlin's father
- Gabe (Gabriel) Tully:
- former Resistance fighter, now a member of Aille's service, ranking as a major, and commander of Baker Company, a jinau unit
- Rob Wiley:
- Former U.S. Army lieutenant and military commander of the North American Resistance, now an officer in the jinau
- Gary Young:
- jinau in Baker Company
- Alln:
- Eldest of Ekhatlore
- Branko:
- Eldest of Weaponsmakers
- Finat:
- older unassigned male of the dochaya
- Grijo:
- Eldest of all and leader of the Han, also Eldest of the Dwellingconstructors
- Hadata:
- Starwarders pilot
- Hakt:
- Eldest of Shipservicers
- Jihan:
- originally of the Starsifters, founds Jaolore
- Kajin:
- youth released from Ekhatlore to help with Jaolore
- Kash:
- Starsifters, senior to Jihan
- Lim:
- unassigned female of the dochaya
- Lliant:
- Ekhatlore
- Mahnt:
- Eldest of the Childtenders
- Pyr:
- formerly unassigned youth accepted by Jaolore
- Sayr:
- Eldest of the Starsifters
- Segga:
- Starwarder
- Aille krinnu ava Terra:
- Jao governor of Terra (was Aille krinnu ava Pluthrak)
- Amnst krinnu ava Krant:
- current Krant kochanau
- Braltan krinnu ava Krant:
- young male terniary-tech on his first voyage
- Breen:
- Subcommandant who, two thousand years ago, refused the Lleix's offers to help the Jao free themselves from the Ekhat
- Brel krinnu ava Terra:
- Subcommander equal in rank to Rob Wiley
- Chul krinnu ava Monat:
- terniary-adjunct who was in charge of the submersibles refit two years ago, expert in adapting Earth tech to work with Jao
- Dannet krinnu ava Terra:
- Captain of the Lexington, born of Narvo
- Kaln krinnu ava Krant:
- Senior-Tech on her destroyed ship
- Jalta krinnu ava Krant:
- pool-sib to Mallu, ranked Terniary-Commander on the destroyed ship
- Mallu krinnu ava Krant:
- Krant-Captain, pool-sib to Jalta
- Mant krinnu ava Terra:
- jinau in Baker Company
- Naddo krinnu ava Krant:
- Krant crew member
- Nam krinnu ava Terra:
- jinau in Baker company
- Nath krinnu ava Terra:
- Floor-Supervisor of the Pascagoula Refit Facility, Aille's first-mate, mother to his son and daughter
- Otta krinnu ava Terra:
- Pleniary-Commander, second in command of the Lexington, born of Nimmat
- Sten krinnu ava Terra:
- navigator on the Lexington, formerly of Binnat
- Urta krinnu ava Krant:
- Krant crewmember
- Wrot krinnu ava Terra:
- formerly retired veteran of the Conquest, born of Hemm, now an elder in Terra's new Jao taif
- Yaut krinnu ava Terra:
- Aille's fraghta, born of Jithra, an elder in Terra Taif
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