Pandora's Legions
First printing, February 2002 Distributed by Simon & Schuster Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH |
ISBN-13: 978-0-671-31861-1
Horsip went off to see his Planetary Integration staff, now working happily on plans for final integration of the planet Earth into the Integral Union, and Moffis went along. Horsip described the appalling number of wrecked and sabotaged ground-cars. A precocious-looking individual, with large eye-correctors and thin hair on his hands, addressed Moffis in a peevish voice. "I fail to understand how it can be possible for the natives to approach the vehicles without being apprehended." Horsip put in quickly, "He means, why aren't the humans seen?" Moffis, whose furry face was glowing red, said fiercely, "Because it's night, that's why! They can't be seen!" "A simple solution. Carry the operation out in daytime." Moffis gritted his teeth. "We can't. Every time a car slows down in the daytime, some sharpshooter half a drag away puts a dart through the tires." Moffis' questioner stared at him. "Oh," he said suddenly, looking relieved, "exaggeration-for-conversational-effect." "What?" demanded Moffis. "How far the native's gun could shoot with accuracy," Horsip hastily interpreted. "He thought you meant it." "I did mean it," said Moffis. There was a sound of uneasy movement in the room. "Theoretically impossible," said someone. Moffis glared at him. "Would you care to come up and lie down behind a tire?"
Baen Books by CHRISTOPHER ANVILPandora's Legions
Baen Books by Eric FlintJoe's World series: The Philosophical Strangler Mother of Demons The Belisarius series, with David Drake: An Oblique Approach By James H. Schmitz, edited by Eric Flint: Telzey Amberdon By Keith Laumer, edited by Eric Flint: Retief! |